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C and B Distributors


Our strategic partnerships with major tobacco companies enable us to offer the most competitive prices on a wide range of tobacco products. Whether you're a retailer seeking to stock your shelves with a variety of tobacco offerings or an individual searching for your preferred smoke, C&B has you covered. Our inventory includes popular cigarette brands, vape products that encompass the latest innovations, and an extensive selection of roll-your-own supplies to cater to your every need.

For those who enjoy ​smokeless or roll-your-own options, C&B boasts a vast collection of moist snuff, cigarillos, and rolling papers. We understand the importance of variety, and our shelves are stocked with options that will satisfy connoisseurs and casual users alike. Furthermore, we are excited to introduce a range of CBD products, including edibles and disposable vapes, at lower price points. As the CBD market continues to expand, we aim to provide accessible options for those interested in exploring the potential health benefits of CBD. At C&B Distributors, we are dedicated to offering exceptional products, competitive pricing, and a welcoming shopping environment. Explore our selection today and experience the quality and convenience that sets us apart.